TRACE 2007 Flare Catalog

X Flares : M Flares

Please Note that the links for EIT and LASCO movies will not work until the month after the event because of the way these movies are archived. For the current month's movies, go to

Summary File Wavelengths in Main Sequence, Cadence Morphology Other Comments Data from Other Instruments
X Flares

Summary File Wavelengths in Main Sequence, Cadence Morphology Other Comments Data from Other Instruments
M flares
02-Jun-07 06:11:00 M2.5
summary image
main: 171
cadence: 40s
context: WL; 1600
sequence: STD.dynamics
(TRACE log)
Compact East Limb Active Region
02-Jun-07 10:35:00 M1.0
summary image
main: 171
cadence: 39s
context: 1600; WL
sequence: STD.dynamics
(TRACE log)
2 ribbon East Limb
03-Jun-07 02:12:00 M7.0
summary image
main: 171
cadence: 35s
context: 1600; WL
sequence: STD.dynamics
(TRACE log)
Compact East Limb AR; Continuation of M2.4 flare
04-Jun-07 05:13:00 M8.9
summary image
main: 171
cadence: 22s
context: 1600; WL
sequence: STD.dynamics
(TRACE log)
Compact Diffraction pattern; Declining Phase only